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Colour Measurement Applications

colour measurements

Why choose Avantes spectroscopy systems for your Colour application?


  • Fast Spectroscopy enabling high production rates

  • Dedicated software for colour characterisation available

  • Flexibilty in hardware solutions matching the needs of the application and the circumstances.

  • Colour of objects and colour of light.

  • Many applications (LEDs, surfaces, small areas)

  • Partner for OEM developments


The human eye has a spectral sensitivity that peaks at around 555nm, which means that the colour green gives an impression of higher brightness than other colours. At 490nm, the sensitivity is only 20% compared to the sensitivity at 555nm. Furthermore, the human eye can only distinguish about 10 million different colours which is actually quite limited in comparison to the needs of colour measurement applications.


Spectrometers are designed to measure exact wavelengths, and are therefore ideal for colour measurements.Visible light has a wavelength range of 390-750nm, so generally colour measurement systems are configured to cover the range from 380-780nm with a spectral resolution of around 5nm (FWHM).


To facilitate reflective colour measurements, a reflection probe or integrating sphere is typically required. In either case, a white continuous light source illuminates the surface to be measured and a white reflective standard tile is needed for calibration. Colour measurements may be applied to a variety of industrial applications such as colour of textile, paper, fruit, wine, and bird feathers. We have developed a variety of custom probes to meet the specific demands of the colour measurement application. Colour measurements are manifested in the L*a*b* colour model which includes parameters for brightness and hue.

colour measurements
Colour Measurement Systems
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Tel: +44 (0) 1353 722558


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