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Environmental Applications

Why Avantes spectroscopy systems for these applications?
For your research but also for OEM solutions
Compact technology enabling use in portable and handheld devices
High unit-to-unit reproducibility
Custom specific requirements
Real time monitoring
Spectroscopy is a very good measurement technique for a lot of environmental applications. At present, there is a great need to identify and trace chemical contaminants, especially organic compounds, as they have negative impact on our the environment. We can distinguish soil, water and air pollutions. Furthermore, the awareness that our resources are limited forces us to maximise possibilities in the recycling industry. Here spectroscopy provides an important tool for analysing and improving the developments.
The monitoring of contaminants in ground water is of particular concern because of the difficulty of real time, in situ analysis that not only indicates the presence of, but can quantitate and identify contaminants and their products produced in situ. Further, there exists a need for real time monitoring of contaminants in the atmosphere.
Avantes spectrometers are used in various applications, such as:
Detecting Forest Fires
Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS)
Measuring Ammonia in the environment (DOAS: Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy)
Water analysis