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Solar Spectrum Irradiance Applications

Typical solar spectrum Irradiance measurement applications include scientific meteorological/climate observations, material testing research, solar collector/Photo Voltaic panel efficiency and solar renewable resource assessment.


Sunlight is defined as the total spectrum of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the Sun. On Earth, sunlight is filtered through the atmosphere, and the solar radiation is visible as daylight when the Sun is above the horizon. When the direct radiation is not blocked by clouds, it is experienced as sunshine, a combination of bright light and heat. Sunlight may be recorded using a pyranometer, pyrheliometer or the AvaSolar system as described below.


In the AvaSolar setup configuration, we have a total of 4 channels, which is two identical setup's for 200-2500nm. One spectrometer setup measures the direct sun radiation through a CC-UV/VIS/NIR-5.0 special cone cosine corrector with 5 degrees opening angle (see section Fibre Optics - Cosine Correctors). This 5 degree Cosine corrector is normally connected to a sun-tracker system.The other spectrometer setup measured with a standard CC-VIS/NIR cosine corrector  and measures the total radiation. 

solar irradiance spectroscopy
solar irradiance spectroscopy

Typical Solar irradiance spectrum measured by a dual channel broad band AvaSpec-UV/VIS/NIR

AvaSolar Solar Spectrum setup
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